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Showing 30 of 2152 Providers

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Peter Abadeer, DO

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Andrew Bartlett, DO

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1801 W Windsor Rd, Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 366-1200

Lilla Berck, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Caitlyn Burton-Gowler, NP-C

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Michael Cochran, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Kathleen Collins, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1801 W Windsor Rd, Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 366-5434

Daniel Deem, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1001 Commercial Dr, Mahomet, IL 61853
(217) 586-6600

Eric Farinas, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Katherine Fitzgerald, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Andre Francois, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Ihsan Habib, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1801 W Windsor Rd, Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 366-5434

James Hancock, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Jeffrey Hoschek, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Ave, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Sabrina Khan, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1801 W Windsor Rd, Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 366-5434

Danielle Kim, DO

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Stephen Kindred, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Sven Klauss, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Matthew Kresca, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1801 W Windsor Rd, Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 366-5434
209 W Borman Dr, Rantoul, IL 61866
(217) 892-9671

Michael Kuhlenschmidt, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1001 Commercial Dr, Mahomet, IL 61853
(217) 586-6600

Issac Lee, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
300 N Main St, Tuscola, IL 61953
(217) 253-9258

Tegan McCormick, DO

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1801 W Windsor Rd, Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 366-5434

Smita Murty, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1801 W Windsor Rd, Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 366-5646

Amber Oberheim, APN

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
100 W Washington Ste 101, Monticello, IL 61856
(217) 762-3352

Edwin Okyne, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1801 W Windsor Rd, Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 366-5434
108 Robinson St, Danville, IL 61832
(217) 366-5434

Lucas Pogue, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1401 Eastland Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 663-8311

Charlotte Schuchart, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1801 W Windsor Rd, Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 366-8000

Sijo Sunny, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
108 Robinson St, Danville, IL 61832
(217) 443-0146

Nathan Walker, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1801 W Windsor Rd, Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 366-5434

Jennifer Wroblewski, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1801 W Windsor Rd, Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 366-5434

Sami Zabaneh, MD

Internal Medicine
Christie Clinic
1801 W Windsor Rd, Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 366-8000

Showing 30 of 2152 Providers, 10 per page

Disclaimer - This listing is subject to change. Although every effort is made to ensure complete and up-to-date provider information, this directory is subject to change at any time. Therefore please check with the provider to confirm their participation in Community Partners Health Plans Inc. (CPHP) network. Note that listing a health care provider in this directory does not mean services of the provider are automatically covered. For questions regarding covered services, eligibility or benefits please contact your health plan Customer Service Department at the number listed on your identification card. 

This directory is for information only. It is not intended to be a recommendation of any physician or health care provider.

To report provider listing inaccuracies, please contact Provider Relations by sending an email to [email protected]. Thank you for accessing the CPHP Preferred Provider Network.